Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Wizard

Do not be afraid
Step into my realm
My bark maybe
Worse than my bite
Here wishes are granted
On a whim
To peasant and farmer
And possibly a queen
Magic runs free
On the prompt of a child
Fireworks glow brightly
In the darkest of nights
Dreams can come true
If you smile just right
With sparkling desire
Just be careful
Choose wisely
Once granted
I cannot return


  1. Nice one Robert


  2. I always wanted to be a witch/wizard, which (!) is why I enjoyed your poem, Robert. I love the lines:
    'Magic runs free
    On the prompt of a child'.

  3. oh the dark wizard grants wishes on a whim?

    I love the lines "magic runs free on the prompt of a child" - and I really like the ending, it speaks of the traditional "fairy tale" flip side - be careful for your wishes, .... has this sort of "magic in a bottle" feel

  4. Wish related things are always a tricky proposition. Forethought is strongly advised.

  5. A wizard sounds great for me to... or a maybe a minor god

  6. O! Dear Wizard...I wish...hmmm..Have to think very carefully about this one.

  7. Sounds like a great job to me!

  8. Cool Job pick, Robert. I love,

    'Magic runs free
    On the prompt of a child'.

  9. Are you saying you will grant just one? Enjoyed your write.

  10. Oh, can you grant me a train ride? Smiles.


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