Wednesday, May 16, 2018

A Whim

Bought as is
On a whim
Triggered by childhood memories
The heady aroma
Dad's Erinmore pipe tobacco
The feel of vinyl seats
Mom fussing over
This and that
Sunday drives to no where
Windows down
Letting the wind
Ruffle your hair 
Family picnics at the lake
Hours spent down
Memory lane
 Endless tinkering
It is a happy place
To linger
Keeping yesterday alive


  1. Keeping yesterday's memories alive does bring happiness.Those times shine with a golden glow as we age. I remember those Sunday drives. I remember them fondly.

  2. Yes, indeed, and these scenes are taking me to my own family as well--especially the "Sunday drives to no where." They were happy an so is the memory. I may not have the buy-a-wreck whim to take me there, but I have others, expeially the old clothes cut into quilts and into hooked rugs.

  3. Reliving childhood. Always a pleasure.

  4. There are times when reliving past happiness helps us through tough times to the happiness yet to come. Touching write!

  5. Keeping yesterday alive is sometimes a lot of work but well worth it. Love the photo!

  6. How I remember those days, no seat belts, windows open, kids with arms out feeling the wind, and their singing drowning out even the noise of both the engine and traffic.

  7. "Sunday drives to no where"...I love this kind of happiness along with a walk down memory lane:)

  8. Yes indeed there is 'Happiness' in good-time memories. Luv that you shared this nostalgia

    Thanks for dropping by my blog

    much love...

  9. Those old cars and the memories that go with them...great times and plenty of happiness!


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